Today's blog is dedicated to someone who (from behind the scenes, and miles apart) I have always been inspired by and fond of....
This particular individual is always extremely happy and strives to share that happiness with those around her. There aren't too many people like that these days. I'm sure she has her stubborn, snotty moments, but for the most part she's very positive. This explains why she has so many close, honest, and fun people that surround her. Her positive energy is imediately felt the moment you are in contact with her.
I can definitely learn a lot from people who look at the bright side of everything. Because, I know I don't always look at the glass half full.
Now, let's get something straight...first of all..I'm a Scorpio. Scorpios are very instense, motivated, yet very jealous creatures. It's only natural for me to be a little dramatic sometimes, right? :) Add a little impatience and stubborness to the mix and you've got, Me. However throughout my twenties, I have definitely gotten much better when it comes to positive thinking. The more positive thoughts you have, the more positive energy you will display and in return you receive more positive outcomes. It's hard to train your mind to think like this. Especially if you're a female..I mean, hello, hormones?? Those things have a mind of their own! But, what I've learned from this individual and those like her, is to spread happiness and gratitude as often as possible. Whether it's smiling at a stranger accross from you in the subway, holding the door open for the person behind you, or letting someone know how much you love and respect them, even if you haven't talked to that person in months or years.. these are the kind of things that will bring joy to your life and to the lives of others.
We all need to understand is that every human being has a story. So be kind, smile, love and be loved. Be happy and share that happiness with those around you. I will leave you with a little quote from a wonderful message that was sent to me a few days ago from a very special friend.... She said, "I believe that every beautiful person should know the impression that they are making on the world." -BZ. Such a great word of advice, you can count on me to pay it forward.
Much Love - C
ps. And for the one who encouraged me to write this blog today, thank you, thank you, thank you, for your kind words, inspiration and love. Thank you for sharing your happy dimples with me from miles away. I adore you and am so blessed to have people like you in my life. xx
And so it begins... My first blog. I have always wanted to start, but now is a better time than any to write down what's on my mind. And, to give everyone a little insight into my thoughts, feelings, adventures and experiences. As cliche as it sounds...this is "the good, the bad, and the ugly" truth about life in my twenty-somethings. xo
Twenty | Five

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
If you get a chance TAKE IT, if it changes your life LET IT
Wow... It's been way too long since I have written a new post and like I've said many times before, it's unreal how much life can change in less than a year.
I don't even know where to begin. For those of you that have followed my blog, the last time I wrote I was still living in Arizona debating on whether or not to make the move back home to be closer to my family. Well....all of the things that I have talked about so far... (what's meant to be will be, don't live with regrets, believe in the power of "the secret," believe in the beauty of your dreams, etc.) have continued to explain my journey through life.
I have been extremely blessed for all of the amazing opportunties that have come my way, especially throughout my twenties. I'd like to believe that some of it has to do with putting my dreams into action. I'm not one to be afraid of change, so if I get a chance, I take it... because if I didn't, I would always wonder "what if?"
So here I am. Living in the city where dreams are made of and my 27th is rapidly creeping up on me. Twenty six has definitely been a life-changing, heart wrenching, mind boggling year for me. I have made some of the biggest decisions of my life. Shortly after my 26th birthday I moved to CO, six months later I moved to NY.
Sometimes I ask myself if I've made the right choices. Was it right to leave the one I love? I adored AZ, was I going to miss it? And my family, after being close to them, am I going to be able to deal with being thousands of miles away from them again? I've definitely done some serious soul-searching lately. Who knows what these decisions will lead to or how they will impact my future. What I do know is that these decisions will give me life experiences that I would have never had if I chose not to take the opportunites that were given to me. It's just a part of growing up. Thank you to those family and friends that have always believed in me and support me in everything I do. And as for love...what's meant to be will be.
So now, it's time for me to fly....
I don't even know where to begin. For those of you that have followed my blog, the last time I wrote I was still living in Arizona debating on whether or not to make the move back home to be closer to my family. Well....all of the things that I have talked about so far... (what's meant to be will be, don't live with regrets, believe in the power of "the secret," believe in the beauty of your dreams, etc.) have continued to explain my journey through life.
I have been extremely blessed for all of the amazing opportunties that have come my way, especially throughout my twenties. I'd like to believe that some of it has to do with putting my dreams into action. I'm not one to be afraid of change, so if I get a chance, I take it... because if I didn't, I would always wonder "what if?"
So here I am. Living in the city where dreams are made of and my 27th is rapidly creeping up on me. Twenty six has definitely been a life-changing, heart wrenching, mind boggling year for me. I have made some of the biggest decisions of my life. Shortly after my 26th birthday I moved to CO, six months later I moved to NY.
Sometimes I ask myself if I've made the right choices. Was it right to leave the one I love? I adored AZ, was I going to miss it? And my family, after being close to them, am I going to be able to deal with being thousands of miles away from them again? I've definitely done some serious soul-searching lately. Who knows what these decisions will lead to or how they will impact my future. What I do know is that these decisions will give me life experiences that I would have never had if I chose not to take the opportunites that were given to me. It's just a part of growing up. Thank you to those family and friends that have always believed in me and support me in everything I do. And as for love...what's meant to be will be.
So now, it's time for me to fly....
xx C
ps. I'm praying for those who were effected by Hurricane Irene.
I'm grateful NY didn't get hit as bad as they anticipated.
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